La Gaceta De Mexico - Young enjoys hole-in-one but misses cut at US Open

Young enjoys hole-in-one but misses cut at US Open
Young enjoys hole-in-one but misses cut at US Open / Photo: © GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA/AFP

Young enjoys hole-in-one but misses cut at US Open

Cameron Young aced the 165-yard par-3 sixth hole with an 8-iron in Friday's second round of the US Open, but missed the cut after the hole-in-one gave him cruel hope.

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The 25-year-old American had been nine-over par in the round and given up on making the weekend at The Country Club, but after a birdie at the par-4 fifth, back-nine starter Young made his ace.

"I've been hitting it right all week, so I flipped an 8-iron, and kind of went straight at it, and by some miracle it went in," Young said.

"At that point I had kind of given up because I was 9-over. Then made a hole-in-one, and then almost holed out on the next hole, and then made a birdie on eight, and had kind of some kind of look on nine.

"Knowing I had to make birdie, I kind of pulled the 9-iron and didn't make it."

Young missed a 35-foot birdie putt and settled for back-to-back rounds of 72, his 144 just one over the cut line.

"It's hard to sit here and be that pleased that I made a hole-in-one when I missed the cut," Young said.
